Anti-Bribery & Anti-Corruption Compliance Training | Start 4 March 2022

Anti-bribery and anti-corruption enforcement actions are rising globally. Organizations across every industry should be aware of the consequences and repercussions of corruption violations which can be swift and severe. Countless firms have been subject to major fines and other penalties that have had highly negative impact on their business and many individual employees have been prosecuted on criminal charges. Our academy offers an anti-bribery and corruption training to ensure that your organization is compliant with modern international anti-corruption legislation.

Maintaining your reputation in business means everything and ensuring your organization is compliant with the terms of the FCPA, the UK Bribery Act, Sapin II as well as other national legislation should be high on your list of priorities. Anti-bribery and anti-corruption measures should form a key part of your organization’s compliance strategy, and implementing a robust training solution to keep your employees aware of the threat of corruption is essential. Effective training on this topic will help employees at all levels understand their roles in protecting material non-public information and the implications and consequences of disregarding the bribery and corruption rules.

We have developed an ABAC training specified to the needs of compliance professionals. The program covers a broad range of topics, including recent developments, stimulating debate, fostering networking, cross-fertilisation and the global exchange of experience. The aim of this training is to providing comprehensive, high-quality and easily accessible anti-bribery and corruption education.

Target Audience   

  • Compliance professionals

  • Ethics Officers

  • Inhouse Counsel

  • Lawyers

  • Advisors ethics & integrity management

  • (forensic) Accountants

  • HR professionals

  • Fraud investigators

  • Directors

  • (risk) Managers

  • Auditors

Dates & times

This training consist of 6 training days which will take place on the following dates:

Friday 4 March 2022
Friday 18 March 2022
Friday 1 April 2022
Friday 22 April 2022
Friday 13 May 2022
Friday 10 June 2022

from 9.30 AM - 5 PM

Location: City Center of The Hague,The Netherlands


Training Day 1 Enforcement & compliance landscape

  • Changing compliance landscape

  • Comparison of legal frameworks: Dutch legal framework, US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, UK Bribery Act, Sapin II

  • Corporate criminal liability and mitigation 

  • Enforcement trends

  • Legal privilege: inhouse and external  

  • Whistle-blowers: new standards 

  • Settlements: recent developments

  • Market Abuse Regulation (MAR) obligations  

Training Day 2 Prevention: Designing an effective anti-bribery & anti-corruption compliance programme

  • Principles of corruption prevention and detection

  • Anti-Corruption strategies  

  • Generic Integrity management and ABAC frameworks

  • Key elements of an effective ABAC compliance programme

  • Compliance governance, leadership commitment and culture

Training Day 3 Action: Compliance in action & practical realities

  • Developing Codes of Conduct and Anti-Corruption Compliance Policies

  • Doing business abroad & cultural differences

  • How to Effectively Map Your Company’s Bribery & Corruption Risks

  • Defining and managing conflicts of interest

  • Supply chain management and, third party risks, third party due diligence and continuous monitoring

Training 4 External monitoring: Anti-Bribery & Anti-Corruption compliance management

  • Supply chain management, third party risks and payment due diligence

  • Evaluating your Anti-Bribery & Anti-Corruption Compliance Programme

  • Monitoring and Evaluation of the Anti-Bribery & Anti-Corruption Compliance Programme

  • The importance and challenges of measuring the effectiveness of your programme

Training day 5 Irregularities, risk analyses and mitigation

  • Incident response & crises management

  • Communication when in crises: what to communicate and when?

  • Reputation management

  • Interplay between compliance and internal investigations

  • Internal Investigations: how, when and why?

  • Interviews and dealing with individuals

  • Reporting

  • Communication and cooperation with regulatory and law enforcement bodies

  • Remediation

Training day 6 Compliance in action

During this training day the participants will bring the earlier learned into practice through a simulated situation. They will be able to partake in the following exercises during the day: 

  • Investigating an irregularity

  • Conducting data review

  • Dealing with a whistle-blower (report)

  • Interviewing an employee under suspicion

  • Addressing the media   

  • Presenting their findings and recommendations to the board

  • Presenting their Anti-Bribery & Anti-Corruption Compliance Programme

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