‘Out-of-court criminal dispute resolution in the Netherlands, Belgium and the U.S.’
/Criminal proceedings take long and are expensive – especially when targeting white-collar offences. In times of budgetary constraints, states must allocate their judicial resources efficiently. Hence both the U.S. and European countries have incorporated alternative criminal dispute resolution mechanisms to avoid that each and every case reaches the trial court or – alternatively – that all criminal cases be tried ‘in full’. This article compares out-of-court criminal dispute resolution in the Netherlands, Belgium and the U.S. Lees verder:
- Out-of-court criminal dispute resolution in the Netherlands, Belgium and the U.S. door mr. drs. M.J. Blotwijk en M. Fernandez-Bertier LLM in Tijdschrift voor Sanctierecht & Onderneming 2015 nr. 2/3
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