Artikel: Central vs. local whistleblowing channels

Whistleblowing systems are an important instrument for any organisation wishing to uncover misconduct. Their design and level of accessibility determine their effectiveness. Many multinational organisations tend to establish a central whistleblowing system consisting of an online platform, allowing employees and third parties to raise their concerns regardless of their physical location around the world. That practice must be re-evaluated and possibly adjusted in light of the common interpretation of the EU Whistleblower Directive, which underscores the importance of local whistleblowing channels. This article explores the standards set forth by the EU Whistleblower Directive with respect to the required design of whistleblowing systems in Europe, and canvases the standards adopted by the national laws implementing the EU Whistleblower Directive across European Member States. It then proposes a practical design of a hybrid whistleblowing model, comprised of a central and multiple local whistleblowing channels, while relying on implicit nudging in directing reporters to choose the most appropriate whistleblowing channel.

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