France’s Anti-Corruption Strategy in Its Cooperation Action 2021-2030

Various French institutions have worked together in drafting a strategy that provides a framework for joint action and a working method for all the French cooperation actors.

The strategy addresses the need to ensure that no assistance provided by France to partner countries can be used to fuel corruption, as well as the need to support the fight against corruption in France’s partner countries. It covers all aspects of combating corruption, including prevention. It provides a framework of reference for the identification, implementation and monitoring of all international cooperation activities developed by French actors.

The strategy will be implemented by French institutions involved in international cooperation in general and in the fight against corruption in particular, including:

  • the MEAE;

  • the MEFR;

  • the French Ministry of Justice (MINJUST);

  • the French Ministry of the Interior (MININT);

  • the AFA;

  • the Cour des Comptes and the Regional and Territorial

  • Chambers of Accounts;

  • the High Authority for Transparency in Public Life (HATVP);

  • the Agence Française de Développement group (AFD and Expertise France);

  • Canal France International (CFI);

  • the General Secretariat for European Affairs (SGAE)

The overall goal for French cooperation activities is aligned with the commitment France made as part of the 2030 Agenda and, more specifically, with target 16.5: There is less corruption in French cooperation partner countries.

This overall goal has three action thrusts, with eight specific objectives between them:

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