In the context of the plethora of (further) emerging big data (BD) and artificial intelligence (AI) possibilities, the authors investigate the potential for safety and security (S&S) risk management applications. How can Big Data (BD) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) be used in risk management decision making in a Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) environment? Does more S&S data result in better decision making? How to ensure that related relevant issues such as ethics and durability are sufficiently taken into account? To this end they explore literature and discuss future trends in relation to CPS design and S&S risk management. Literature findings indicate three main ways of using big data in risk management. The authors identify several CPS practice related S&S problem area's and discuss new perspectives on BD and AI opportunities in risk management. Focusing on safety decision making, the authors identify benefits, downsides and checkpoints which are important for use of big safety data in S&S risk management. The authors discuss relevant future trends, reflect on the impact these might have on CPS designs and on S&S applications and identify the limitations of this study. The current BD and AI developments urgently require attention of risk management, as a causal factor in new safety and security hazards, as an opportunity for risk management to increase grip on increasing CPS complexity, and on CPS sustainability in many economical activities.
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