Artikel: Het Europees Openbaar Ministerie in Nederland

Op 1 juni 2021 werd het Europees Openbaar Ministerie operationeel. Ook Nederland is een deelnemende staat. Onlangs kwam de Nederlandse invoeringswet tot stand. Die kenmerkt zich door haar bondigheid. Daarmee blijft onduidelijk wat de strafrechtspleging van het EOM kan verwachten en wat het EOM op zijn beurt van de actoren in de strafrechtspleging en de partners daarbuiten verwacht.

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EOM onderbemand

Tijdens een gesprek met Europarlementariërs van de Commissie Begrotingscontrole op 1 oktober 2021 benadrukte Europees hoofdaanklager Laura Kövesi het personeelstekort van het EOM, waardoor het haar taken niet effectief kan vervullen. Kövesi bracht verslag uit over de eerste resultaten van de activiteiten van het EOM sinds de operationele start op 1 juni 2021. Zij wees erop dat er dringend extra middelen nodig zijn. Zij pleitte voor minstens nieuwe 130 personeelsleden (naast de bestaande 120), met name financieel rechercheurs, IT-specialisten en ondersteunend personeel.

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European prosecution between cooperation and integration: The European Public Prosecutor’s Office and the rule of law

The article will examine the challenges that the establishment of the European Public Prosecutor’s Office poses for the rule of law – a question which has been underexplored in the policy and academic debate on the establishment of the EPPO, which focused largely on questions of structure and powers of the EPPO and the battle between intergovernmental and supranational visions of European prosecution. The implications of the finally adopted legal framework on the EPPO on the rule of law will be analysed primarily from the perspective of the rule of law as related to EPPO investigations and prosecutions and their consequences for affected individuals – in terms of legal certainty and foreseeability, protection from executive arbitrariness, effective judicial protection and defence rights.

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Artikel: The EPPO and the pitfalls of actuarial justice

The article offers a critique of the current structure of the EPPO from a victim rights perspective. It observes that the creation of the EPPO revolutionizes the institutional set-up of EU criminal justice by creating a supranational body to address the enforcement gaps identified in the protection of the financial interests of the EU. Unsurprisingly, this breakthrough has met with resistance from the Member States, which have directed their scepticism into the structural, procedural and substantive provisions for this new office.

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Artikel: Opportunities and Challenges in Cases Involving Proceeds of Crime

The Union has set itself the objective of establishing an area of freedom, security and justice. To achieve this goal and strengthen the trust of citizens in our institutions, the protection of the Union’s financial interests is an absolute necessity and of utmost importance. Every year, the Member States indeed lose billions of euros in revenue, inter alia value added tax (VAT), due to cross-border carousel fraud depriving the European Union of a substantial amount of its budget. In addition, hundreds of millions of European structural funds are misappropriated or misused for wrongful purposes each year.

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