HR: Schade van banken is rechtstreekse schade, bij vergoeding aan klanten van door ransomware ontvreemd geld

Hoge Raad 7 maart 2023, ECLI:NL:HR:2023:322

Het hof heeft geoordeeld dat de benadeelde partijen Rabobank en ING hebben aangetoond dat zij tot de toegewezen geldbedragen schade hebben geleden, bestaande uit de vergoeding door die banken van de geldbedragen die zijn ontvreemd van hun rekeninghouders. Dat oordeel is, ook in het licht van wat de raadsman heeft aangevoerd, toereikend gemotiveerd. Daarbij neemt de Hoge Raad in aanmerking dat het hof heeft vastgesteld dat de geldbedragen zijn weggenomen doordat betaalopdrachten van rekeninghouders in de online bankieromgeving van de banken door malware werden gemanipuleerd en het bewezenverklaarde gewoontewitwassen met betrekking tot die geldbedragen is gepleegd (mede) om die geldbedragen buiten het bereik van de benadeelde partijen te brengen.

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Export control of cybersurveillance items in the new dual-use regulation: The challenges of applying human rights logic to export control

In 2021, the Recast Dual-Use Regulation entered into force. The regulation includes a heavily debated new provision on the export control of so-called cybersurveillance items. This provision departs from the traditional logic of export control rules in multiple ways. Most importantly, it positions human rights considerations as an important factor in the export control of a flexible range of technologies. This article explores the operation, implications and challenges of this new human rights-orientated approach to export control of digital surveillance technologies. Taking the definition of cybersurveillance items as a starting point of the analysis, the article draws on surveillance-related case law of the European Court of Human Rights and the Court of Justice of the European Union, to define the potential scope of application of the open-ended cybersurveillance concept of the Regulation. By exploring how this concept maps to technologies often connected with human rights infringements, such as facial recognition, location tracking and open-source intelligence, the article highlights the challenges of applying this new approach and underscores the need for its further development in practice.

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When do they offend together? Comparing co-offending between different types of cyber-offenses and traditional offenses

Research on cyber-co-offending tends to focus on either the organizational structure of organized cybercrime or social learning processes among individuals. This paper provides a new perspective on co-offending by examining the extent to which individuals co-offend for different types of cybercrime compared to traditional crime. Additionally, differences in the type of co-offender (friends, family, or others) and relationships between IT- knowledge and cyber-co-offending are examined. This paper is based on individual self-report survey data from a judicial sample of Dutch adult cyber-dependent offenders and traditional offenders. It includes information on 466 different crimes (51.50% cybercrime) self-reported by 164 individuals. Results indicate that cybercrime and traditional crime show similar patterns of co-offending. The majority of offenders prefer to commit their crimes alone, but some types of crime are more often committed with co-offenders than other types of crime. For cybercrime results suggest that limitations in an offender’s IT-knowledge may be a reason to seek co-offenders with strong IT-skills.

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Celstraffen voor bankmedewerkerfraude bij ouderen

Een 20-jarige man uit Arnhem en een 24-jarige man uit Nijmegen zijn door de rechtbank Midden-Nederland veroordeeld voor diefstal (door oplichting) van bankpassen van kwetsbare ouderen uit Gouda, waarmee meerdere grote bedragen zijn gepind. In totaal ging het om ruim 21.000 euro. Ook hebben ze zich schuldig gemaakt een poging tot oplichting van iemand uit Huis ter Heide. De rechtbank legt de 20-jarige man een celstraf op van 15 maanden, waarvan 3 maanden voorwaardelijk. Een 24-jarige medeverdachte is veroordeeld tot een gevangenisstraf van 10 maanden.

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High tech crime, high intellectual crime? Comparing the intellectual capabilities of cybercriminals, traditional criminals and non-criminals

In our highly digitalized society, cybercrime has become a common crime. However, because research into cybercriminals is in its infancy, our knowledge about cybercriminals is still limited. One of the main considerations is whether cybercriminals have higher intellectual capabilities than traditional criminals or even the general population. Although criminological studies clearly show that traditional criminals have lower intellectual capabilities, little is known about the relationship between cybercrime and intelligence. The current study adds to the literature by exploring the relationship between CITO-test scores and cybercrime in the Netherlands. The CITO final test is a standardized test for primary school students - usually taken at the age of 11 or 12 - and highly correlated with IQ-scores. Data from Statistics Netherlands were used to compare CITO-test scores of 143 apprehended cybercriminals with those of 143 apprehended traditional criminals and 143 non-criminals, matched on age, sex, and country of birth. Ordinary Least Squares regression analyses were used to compare CITO test scores between cybercriminals, traditional criminals, and non-criminals. Additionally, a discordant sibling design was used to control for unmeasured confounding by family factors. Findings reveal that cyber- criminals have significantly higher CITO test scores compared to traditional criminals and significantly lower CITO test scores compared to non-criminals.

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